20 Useless Facts You Probably Didn’t Need To Know
6. And Doing This While Chopping Onions Will Stop You From Crying
Onions don't make you cry because you're quite literally chopping a poor, innocent vegetable to pieces and have a heart. No, it's the chemicals contained underneath the onion's skin that irritate your eyes and nose to the point of shedding tears.
Once you've burned off that postage stamp by chewing some gum, pop a fresh piece in right before dicing up some onions. Surprisingly, this actually works. The gum preoccupies your nasal glands and that prevents those stinky onion smells from burning your eyes or turning you into a sobbing mess.
Whomever came up with this (or likely stumbled upon it) deserves some kind of prize. We'll post the award out to them. You can lick the stamp, because we had a big lunch anyway.