20 Useless Facts You Probably Didn’t Need To Know

2. A Snail Can Sleep For 3 Years

Sleeping beauty

This may the only time snails are ever compared to Disney's wonderful tale of Sleeping Beauty.

Just like the princess, those slimy little gastropods can sleep for up to 3 years without so much as a drop of food. Very much unlike the princess, they don't slumber in a castle before being woken by the kiss of a handsome prince. Still, roll with the comparison.

The only thing a snail needs for survival is some sort of warmth (provided by their shell) and moisture. As an added bonus, here's another fact: snails don't need to reproduce and can in fact lay eggs without getting freaky with another shell-dweller.

Snails go into a state of hibernation if the weather is poor, and it's not like they move much when awake anyway. This stasis-like existence can allow the common snail to live for up to 25 years, although most average out at around 15.

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Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.