20 Useless Facts You Probably Didn’t Need To Know

15. There Are More Fake Flamingos In The USA Than Real Ones

flamingo group

Flamingos are beautiful birds, aren't they? Their pink feathers and inquisitive mannerisms have charmed the world, so much so that people in Florida decided they fancied dumping a truckload of plastic imitations on their front lawns. This trend has escalated to the point that there are more fake Flamingo birds in the USA than real ones.

There's something marvellous about that. Those gaudy replicas with shock pink paint and a face that's fooling nobody have taken over from the actual living thing. Admit it, you've already logged onto Amazon to see just how many you can afford at once. The answer is quite a lot if you shop around.

Educational and tasteless. What more could you ask for?

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Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.