21 Adorably Happy Animals That Will Instantly Make Your Day Better

5. Snuggling

Yep, so happiness can be laughter and jollity and smiles. Sometimes though it can just be snuggling with the one you love under the covers. Safe and content in the knowledge that they€™ll always be with you. Even if it is a teddy-bear. So what?! It€™s my teddy-bear and I€™ll snuggle with it if I want to.

4. Stay Cheeky

We€™re always told when we€™re little €˜not to be cheeky€™ but when we€™re grown up, we can do what we want right?! Hell, a little bit of cheekiness in the world makes it go round that little bit quicker.

Look them in the eye, say something cheeky and then...wink and smile. It€™s a winner every time.

3. Photobomb

Yes, it€™s as €˜fashionable€™ as the selfie right now but does that mean it€™s not great?! Push your way into photos and crack as big a smile as possible.

Look at these two sloths. It probably took several hours for the sloth to actually push his way, slowly, into shot but, hell, he did it with aplomb and he should be congratulated for it.

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Suit. Wine. Sport. Stirred. Not shaken. Done. Writer at http://whatculture.com, http://www.tjrsports.com and http://www.tjrwrestling.com