21 Excruciating Problems Only Grammar Nazis Will Understand

6. €˜Could Of, Would Of, Should Of€™

The West Wing - Wrong GIF You know the problem here. All three will have you taking out that red pen in your mind and circling or crossing through, according to personal preference.

5. Going To Your Local Waterstones (And Almost Every Street Sign In The UK)

Fuss Free FlavoursFuss Free FlavoursIn spite of the fact that it was established by one Tim Waterstone, the company decided to remove the apostrophe from its name two and a half years ago. The debate sparked by the move was inevitable, and whilst it€™s understandable to a certain extent €“ apostrophes can make a difference when looking things up online, and they don€™t exist in URLs, etc. €“ you also can€™t get away from the fact that the company was started by Tim Waterstone. It was his. Waterstone€™s. What€™s exponentially worse is that recent years have seen the UK invest money in changing street signs to take out the apostrophe where it€™s grammatically necessary. €˜St. George€™s Avenue€™ became €˜St. Georges Avenue€™, €˜St. Anne€™s Drive€™ into €˜St. Annes Drive€™, and countless of other changes. Money has been spent to change street signs that were grammatically correct! (€˜Spent€™ can also be read as €˜wasted€™ here.)

4. Reading The Newspaper And Wondering What€™s Happened To The World

What Is Happening GIF The ubiquity of errors in spelling and grammar is astounding. You€™d be forgiven for picking up the nearest broadsheet and expecting Standard English, but you€™d also be wrong. €œA small ceremony was held last night at St Pauls Cathedral,€ €œA two year old escaped serious injuries after falling out of a broken window,€ etc. Just like the €˜most perfect€™ lingerie advert, you find yourself wondering how many people these errors have slipped by on a daily basis before going to print, and wondering what the world has come to.

3. Bargaining Your Friends€™ Good Qualities Over Your Need For Standard English

Friends - Bad Things, Good People GIF You realise it€™s a terrible condition, grammar Nazism, when you find yourself semi-seriously judging your friends for their lack of Standard English. Semi-seriously, to be sure, but that€™s not really the point. Their solid taste in music > Not knowing that €˜her€™s€™ has no apostrophe. Just?
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