21 Problems Only Dancers Will Understand

3. Doing Really Well In Rehearsal But Horribly When You Have To Perform

what is wrong with me In rehearsal, everything is perfect: you strike every pose, every motion is sharp and precise, your turns are gorgeous and flawlessly executed, your leaps are exactly 180 degrees, and, at the end, you feel like an absolute superstar. Fast forward to the performance: you start off with hope in your heart, but, after the few minutes it takes to execute a routine, you just want to cry. Your movements were murky, you fell out of every turn, your leaps were like awkward frog jumps; it was a veritable disaster. Life just is not fair.

2. People Saying Dance Isn't A Sport

Dance isn't a sport? Oh, really? Let's see: dancers spend long hours practicing, they stretch and work-out, they sometimes get injured, they have teams. There are dance competitions. Just because they wear leotards and soft shoes instead of helmets and jerseys and perform to the sound of music instead of raucous crowds doesn't make dancers any less of athletes. Besides, I'd like to see a football player pull off a triple pirouette, grand jete, or even do a proper split.
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College kid with an affinity for sarcasm and sleeping too much.