21 Problems Only Dancers Will Understand

15. Spotting: Handy But Horrible

dance ballet ballerina Spotting. Or, to the non-dancer ear, how dancers do all those turns without getting dizzy. It can be a dancer's best friend because, as you can imagine, doing eight turns (or thirty-two, if you happen to be performing as the Black Swan) can throw you quite off-balance. It sounds like a simple process - pick a spot on the back wall and focus on it as you turn - but, of course, it's not that easy. Sometimes your eyes just will not cooperate, or you can spot just fine on one side, but not at all on the other. And, most of the time,you get dizzy anyways. Fun, huh?

14. Hair Pins Are Things To Be Hoarded

For ever fifty hair pins you buy, you will lose five hundred. It's just how life goes. And all those poor, lost hair pins have to go somewhere - namely, the floors of the dance studio, dressing rooms, bathrooms, any other possible rooms. Hair pins are everywhere and, once spotted, will be quickly sucked into a dancer's personal collection. Hair pin on the floor? Claimed. Hair pin covered in dust and maybe some leftover hairspray? Claimed. Hair pin buried four hundred feet under the Earth's crust? Some dancer somewhere will find a way to dig it up and claim it.
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College kid with an affinity for sarcasm and sleeping too much.