21 Very Real Makeup Problems Every Female Can Relate To

10. Spotting Lipstick On Your Teeth Hours After You've Left The House

From the half a dozen people you've spoke to since vacating your humble abode, why didn't at least one let us know about that square of lippy on our front incisor? MAC's Lady Danger sure is ravishing, but not so much when it's on your gnashers.

9. When You Have To Explain To Your Family Why You're Watching Strangers Apply Makeup On Youtube

Totally not weird, at all.

8. When You Have A Makeup Free Day And Everyone Thinks You're Dying

Leave the house with a full face on and you'll get the old "where are you off too all dressed up?"; leave the house makeup-less and you'll get the alternative classic - a concerned "are you okay?". We've all been told at least once that we look lovely "without all the makeup", but then we go au naturel and everyone thinks you're an extra from The Walking Dead. Erm, okay.
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Human woman. Content Manager at What Culture. Lover of many "ologies", punk rock and cats. My god is Ilúvatar. Follow me on Twitter: @nina_cresswell