21 Very Real Makeup Problems Every Female Can Relate To

7. When You See Someone With Naturally Beautiful Brows

Eyebrow envy is definitely an emotion. Bad brow-tweezes are harder to recover from than a dodgy haircut, so when we see someone who has full-bodied, sublimely shaped arches like that of Cara Delevigne, it's impossible not to covet them.

6. When You Wear Fake Eyelashes For A Night Out, And The Glue Starts To Come Away

You leave the house feeling quite the siren; lashes so alluring you're actually seducing yourself. Next thing you know you've gone a Jägerbomb too far and redefined the meaning of twerk in a blur of sweaty clubs; which, seemingly, have had a profound effect on your eyelash glue. The profound effect being one is now hanging from your lower eyelid like an absolute lunatic.

5. When You Accidentally Overdo It With The Contouring

There's a fine line between defined cheekbones and full-on drag queen. Sorry, did we say fine line? We meant giant streak from your ears to your mouth.
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Human woman. Content Manager at What Culture. Lover of many "ologies", punk rock and cats. My god is Ilúvatar. Follow me on Twitter: @nina_cresswell