21 Signs You're In A Committed Relationship With Wine

3. Quiet Nights At Home Always End Up Like This

Where did all the wine go? I only had one... two... two-and-a-half glasses? Oh, wait. Maybe it was six. Anyway, time to whip out the 'World's Greatest Power Ballads' and show the room what I'm made of. Also - Facebook should come with breathalysers so we can't post anything after half a bottle. Just sayin'.

2. You're Totally Not Prejudice About Colour

White, red, rosé, whatever: your passion for wine knows no boundaries. So long as it's not a glamourised vinegar or cheap cat-pee Sauvignon Blanc - we do have some class.

1. You've Started To Totally Embrace Your Joker Smile

Do not confuse your emotional relationship with wine for alcoholism: a love of wine eclipses alcoholism. Where alcoholics need their boozy fix to the point it makes them tragically ill, winos have perfectly adapted to a harmonious life with fermented grapes. Merlot, Cabernet, Rieling, Pinot Grigio... we love them all. To the point we're perfectly okay with the Joker smile and stained teeth a glass can bring - although that's probably because we're too drunk to care. Well, have you come to a conclusion? Are you head over heels for vino, or is it merely playful dating? Share your thoughts in the comments below!
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Human woman. Content Manager at What Culture. Lover of many "ologies", punk rock and cats. My god is Ilúvatar. Follow me on Twitter: @nina_cresswell