21 Signs You're In A Committed Relationship With Wine

7. You Pour Glasses To The Exact Millimetre If You're Sharing A Bottle

As soon as that cork comes out, an open bottle is an empty bottle. When you have to share that with someone, you can easily become shamefully greedy with the measurements; squatting down to get to eye level so that the glasses are DEFINITELY equal. Screw etiquette.

6. You're Forever Reassuring Yourself That Wine Is Good For You

It's true! Wine, particularly red wine, really is good for you. It contains several antioxidants, such as quercetin and resveratrol, which play a part in preventing both heart disease and cancer. If a glass can do that, just think of what a bottle can do. At the end of the day, do scientists really need to give us reasons to drink a glass of wine at night?

5. You Get A Little Bit Aroused When You Crack Open A Bottle

This is totally not creepy, at all. Is it? Who doesn't feel slightly sensual when they breathe in a freshly opened bottle? That aromatic bouquet floating through your airwaves is almost as pleasurable as actually drinking the wine. Oh, and a tip for you: if the bottle doesn't look like it's breathing, be sure to give it mouth-to-mouth.

4. You Find It Difficult To Date People Who Don't Like Wine

We don't love whiny people, and we don't like cheesy people; but damn do we love wine and cheese people!
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Human woman. Content Manager at What Culture. Lover of many "ologies", punk rock and cats. My god is Ilúvatar. Follow me on Twitter: @nina_cresswell