22 Amazing Fictional Swear Words Everyone Should Use In Real Life

12. Dren (Farscape)

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T-jdXumemL4 Synonymous with garbage, crap or just plain bulls***, dren is another of Farscape's more popular swears, probably due to its multi-purpose nature and simplicity. Four-letter, one-syllable words tend to be the most commonly used curses in both life and fiction, most likely because they're so quick and dirty. And that's no dren.

11. Futz (Ringworld/Hawkeye)

The author of the Known Space stories, Larry Niven, may be better known for using the awkward acronym tanj (There Ain't No Justice) and the non-swears 'bleep' and 'censor' as profanities in his books to poor effect, but he didn't strike out every time, as the charming 'futz' goes to show in Ringworld and his Known Space cycle of stories. An obvious stand-in for another f-word, futz is a delight to pronounce and sounds like a curse a child might make up. IT's recently been popularised by Matt Fraction in his current Hawkeye run with artist David Aja, in which everyone also refers to Clint Barton as Hawkguy and the Avengers archer is mates with a one-eyed mutt he calls Pizza Dog.

10. Smurf! (The Smurfs)

Smurfing heck! It's the one word on this list that could mean absolutely anything, depending on the context. The noun of choice for all of the Smurfs, it also becomes an expletive when one of the tiny blue freaks gets into a state of distress or anger and needs to blow off some steam. "I'm smurfing mad that you smurfed my husband, so smurf you, smurfwad."

Film history obsessive, New Hollywood fetishist and comics evangelist.