22 Images That Will Destroy Your Faith In London

16. On The Pull

Twitter (via Sh*t London)Twitter (via Sh*t London)How a sex-doll gets into Limehouse Lock in East London is beyond us...

15. 'Must Be 52B'

TumblrTumblrOur hearts go out to the tenants of this flat in Shoreditch: the thought of having sex-crazed perverts ringing the bell all the time is the stuff of nightmares.

14. Charity Shop Thief

TumblrTumblrThere are no depths some Londoners won't sink to, as this charity shop in the south east of the city found out.

13. Every Little Helps

TumblrTumblrPeople go to Tescos for all sorts these days. Food from far away lands, the latest video games and €“ in the case of this Canary 'Whorfe' inhabitant €“ a new partner (gender not important).
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Hailing from South East London, Sam Heard is an aspiring writer and recent graduate from the University of Warwick. Sam's favourite things include energy drinks, late nights spent watching the UFC with his girlfriend and annihilating his friends at FIFA.