22 Problems Only British People In America Will Understand

21. No Roundabouts?

Okay, so there are SOME roundabouts in the United States - but there certainly aren't many. American roads tend to operate in a very simplistic grid system - and that's something that does make getting to places easier, but if you have to turn around - particularly if you're British - it's often an irritating case of having to go a hell of a lot further forward before you can go back. Roundabouts are great: get to one and you can generally go straight on, left, right or back the way you came if need be. They're a staple part of the way Brits get around, and thus any country that lacks them poses a big problem. Indeed, driving in general can be difficult for Brits in America. The automatic gears, the generally larger cars, the right-hand side of the road and left-hand drive thing, the traffic light rules... again, baffling.

20. Giggling When Someone Mentions Their Fanny

In America, a "fanny" is a a colloquial term for what Brits generally refer to as a "bum" or a "bottom". In Britain, a "fanny" is... well... a term for the lady-parts that everyone is taught as a child. So, when an American says their fanny is aching or their fanny-pack is bursting at the seams, it's pretty difficult not to laugh as a Brit.

19. EVERYONE Attempting To Impersonate Your "Quaint" Accent (Or Just Making You Talk)

"Hey y'all, what can I do for you today?" "Good day! We'd like four cups of tea and four portions of bacon and eggs please." "Oh my god! 'cups of tea, cups of tea'! Say it again!" NO! Please understand that your accent is just as entertaining to Brits as the Brits' is to you! And it's not "ya'll", it's "everyone". Good lord. Just kidding, the Brits love you guys really. All of y'all.
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I'm a Tottenham Hotspur fan who loves comics and comic book movies.