22 Problems Only British People In America Will Understand

18. Sales Tax Means Prices Change On The Way To The Checkout

In Britain, as a general rule, when you pick up an item to purchase in a store, it has a price on it and that price is what you pay when you get to the point of sale. In America, that is not necessarily the case. With sales tax, anything from 1% to 10% can be added on to the marked price when you reach the checkout. If you're a typical Brit and you've got the correct change (or what you think is the correct change) in your hands ready to hand it over, you then face the embarrassment of reaching in to your pockets for 3 cents in order to afford that chewing gum.

17. Chocolate Mostly Tastes Like Crap

Thorntons, Cadbury, Nestle - staple sources of British nutrition and all absolutely delicious. So, when Brits get to America and indulge in a "Hersheys" candy bar, imagine their disgust. For a country so well-known for its over-indulgence in junk food, America does chocolate extremely badly. If you're a Brit living in the United States, it's essential to regularly have care packages sent from home which contain masses of Cadbury's chocolate bars.

16. Coming To Terms With The Spectacle That Is Halloween

Halloween in Britain generally consists of sitting at home all night, maybe watching the obligatory single horror movie that the BBC opts to show (usually, in a highly unoriginal move, a film from the "Halloween" franchise or, if you're really lucky, one from the "Friday the 13th" series) and complaining (or hiding) every time a group of kids come to the door. Those kids are usually wearing a single pair of 49 pence vampire fangs and a bin bag and, in the most half-arsed way they possibly could. In America, it's a different story: houses and streets are lit up like Christmas (only more orange) and the kids go all out to look great, with elaborate costumes and a jovial attitude towards the occasion. It's a shock to the British system to see Halloween in full flow in America, with everyone getting in the spirit, and makes Brits realise what a boring bunch they can actually be.
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I'm a Tottenham Hotspur fan who loves comics and comic book movies.