22 Problems Only British People In America Will Understand

3. The Amount Of Food

Somewhat related to the last point, the amount - and the sheer variety - of food in America puts Britain to shame. For the equivalent of a couple of single pound, you can get an all-you-can-eat breakfast buffet with everything available from toast to muffins, from bacon to waffles, from pancakes to sausages and from hash browns to fruit. Nine times out of ten, all drink refills are free too - something that is unheard of in Britain. And that's just one example - the sheer number of fast food chains dwarfs what is available in Britain and the portions do so too. Essentially, Brits go to America and put on an extra 50% in bodyweight.

2. Trying To Find A Decent Pint...

Bottled lager, light beer, half pints of draught in plastic glasses... where are the pints of John Smith's or Guinness or even the pints of decent lager like Stella Artois or San Miguel? Trying to find a decent pint in America is like trying to find a needle in a haystack. Bottles of Bud Ice and little cans of Heineken? No thanks. Give the Brits a fresh pint of beer any day of the week.

1. ...Or A Decent Cup Of Tea

The biggest problem for Brits in America is undoubtedly trying to get a tea fix. That stereotypical view that Americans have of Brits liking cups of tea? It's true, as a nation, we tend to have five or six a day each, and it's no exaggeration that the British Empire was built on tea. Coffee's okay for a wake up call or to perk you up - and it's great that it's available everywhere in the United States - but the lack of availability of tea - and the fact that most of the tea that is available is horrible - is a terrible inconvenience. So there you have it - twenty-two problems that only British people in America will understand. Of course, it should be stressed again that this was (mostly) written in a light-hearted fashion (apart from the tea thing, seriously) and it'd be great if you'd suggest your own Brits-in-America problems. Please feel free to do so in the comments box below.
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I'm a Tottenham Hotspur fan who loves comics and comic book movies.