22 Problems Only Gym Goers Will Understand

6. People Flexing In The Mirror

No one who has ever done any form of physical exercise can honestly say they haven't held their own Mr/Mrs Universe competition in front of their bedroom mirror. It's just something people do. Doing it at the local gym however, is a sure fire way to identify yourself as an individual of cretinous standing. We get it, you love your body, that doesn't mean we have to love it too! It could be worse, you could take a picture of yourself while you're at it...

5. Gym Selfies

Because no gym session is complete or worthwhile without a selfie. Oh wait, yes they are. This one is pretty annoying, especially when you accidental end up in the background of someone's selfie. They are calmly duck pouting with a full face of make up, you are red, blotchy and sweating like a fat kid at the bakery. Usually those who feel the need to capture their 'efforts' in the gym are the same folks guilty of several other items on this list, proving themselves only to be superficial gym goers. Not interested in the real benefits or rationale behind the majority of exercisers, they merely seem interested in providing their own unsocial-social commentary on their lives, to the soundtrack of a smartphone unlocking, and the scorn of internet list makers...

4. One User Taking Up Several Stations

This is one of the most infuriating problems that just about every gym goer will understand. As discussed previously, in a busy gym, space and equipment is at a minimum, so it's important to do what you need and then move on. There is one typical gym rat however who seems to think that it's perfectly fine to take up several stations and pieces of equipment at once. They will be the ones usually doing 'circuits' apparently needing to bench, curl, dip shrug and fly their way around the apparatus, blissfully unaware of the growing resentment accumulating at their expense. You could enlighten them, maybe ask if they could pick an exercise or two and stick with that, and if they say no, well. Hulk smash.
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I'm a 26 year old Welsh psychology graduate working in PR & Journalism. I enjoy writing, films, TV, games, sport, philosophy, psychology and mixing them all together. I occupy time and cyberspace on twitter @simcolluk