22 Problems Only Gym Goers Will Understand

3. Ridiculous Noises & Shouting

Firstly, just as a rule, Dwayne 'The Rock' Johnson gets a pass on this one. Why? Because he's The Rock, that's why. Also he's doing it a little tongue in cheek, so it's ok. Phew, after successfully getting out of that one, let's discuss why some feel the need to should loudly at the gym. Usually it's simply over eager exhales, heck, if Serena Williams can grunt her way to grand slam titles on national TV, why can't Steve the butcher let it out a little when he's working out? Here's why, because "NYARRGH WAAAAAN NRGAAAA TWO" is not the way to count your reps. Even worse is the over enthusiastic spotter, screaming out "ANOTHER ONE, AGAIN, AGAIN" before slamming the weight down on the floor. It may seem motivational, but to the rest of the gym who have stopped to see just what the hell is going on, it's just plain weird.

2. Protein Farts

If you have just nodded your head in understanding you are a regular gym goer. That horrific smell that just seems to sneak up on you,is the result of an over indulgence in protein that has sat festering in someone's digestive tract for far too long, until it's released out into the world. Seriously, the UN could investigate the majority of gyms for biological weapons - they're potent enough to strip paint from walls and cause you to drop whatever exercise you are doing and flee. Some are so unfortunate that they only realise what has occurred near them whilst they gulp it in during a vigorous set, leaving them to chew on it, as if they ate the steak themselves.
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I'm a 26 year old Welsh psychology graduate working in PR & Journalism. I enjoy writing, films, TV, games, sport, philosophy, psychology and mixing them all together. I occupy time and cyberspace on twitter @simcolluk