22 Problems Only Lesbians Can Understand

8. Finding Lesbians In Gay Bars Can Be Hard Work

Finding a gay lady in a gay bar is like finding a rational discussion on GamerGate. Being on the pull is playing detective for a night: Is she femme, hipster, or straight? You have to subject the object of your affection to intense scrutiny within the small amount of time she's dancing near you and, somehow, without managing to blow it. How long are her nails? Is that a gay top or a straight top? Which plaid is specifically €œlesbian€ plaid? She€™s wearing a Sleater-Kinney t-shirt, but she might just be really cool. She€™s drinking a pint, but craft beer is delicious. This could take all night, but is definitely less stressful than actually just straight up (no pun intended) approaching her, right?
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Fan of Taylor Swift and the Dead Kennedys (a duet I can only dream of). I like dystopias, slasher films, and video games that make me feel things.