Without a doubt, the biggest skidmark on the Tyne. Watch 10 minutes of an episode and you'll have set fire to the entire chavvy cast in your head and thrown your TV in front of South Shields metro. The gang have bastardised the Geordie lingo with phrases like "on it like a car bonnet" and "'tashing on". Now, this collection of carrot-coloured, venereal-disease lobbing pondlife are the first thing that springs to the watching world's mind when they think of the North East. Even the talentless planks of wood on TOWIE are better than this lot. But wait, what's this we hear about one of the Geordie Shore cast brandishing his hidden literary abilities? Yes indeed, Gaz has written a BOOK, artistically titled "Gaz (And My Parsnip)": an exhilarating account of life in Hexham, Northumberland. Here are our favourite lines from the literary god, which, we hope, will restore the North East's faith in these people: Gaz on modern technology: "I bought an iPad and started a chart of where we'd been and who I'd sh*gged." Gaz on fashion: "Tight pink T-Shirts, cream jeans plimsolls - I thought I looked cool, like a proper player but I just looked like an idiot." Gaz on science: "Apparently bottles of Tango can split your head open when launched full throttle at you. Who knew that?" Gaz on romance: "Cuddles are a parsnip's first base. They're the first jump on the springboard to sex. From there you can dive right in." So there you have it. North East, represent. What's more, they're currently filming the next series right now. Cheers, MTV.