Big mistake, buddy. The moment you enter the realm of NHS forums or the frightening WebMD, you're screwed. You're having a stroke, or is it a brain aneurysm? Maybe you should write down some kind of will now? Are your cheeks swelling? Oh god they are. Stop thinking about your funeral and remember, exactly ZERO people have died from weed. Step away from the Internet.
15. When Your Dealer Takes Forever To Text You Back
They have the weed, you have the money. Answer the phone, damn it!
14. When Someone Smoking Your Blunt Decides To Tell You Their Life Story
We all know your game. It's puff-puff-pass, not hold the damn blunt for ten minutes while telling us all about your friend of a friend of a friend who has genuinely seen the Loch Ness monster. Hand it over!
13. When Your Parents Ask If You've Been Smoking Weed
Trying to converse with anyone outside your immediate social circle calls for intense concentration, so this one is a situation you definitely want to avoid while blazed. Sometimes, though, it's inevitable. Whether it's your parents, friend, colleague or partner behaving inquisitively in regards to your glazed eyes and eau de pot; the harder you try to act casual, the worse it becomes.