23 Problems Only Girls With Big Bottoms Will Understand

18. Most Trousers Will Not Go Past Your Thighs

White Chicks Changing Rooom Gif Gif Every time you go shopping for a new pair of trousers or jeans, you are absolutely baffled that sometimes your usual size doesn't even get past your knees. No wonder many girls out there have issues with their body confidence because despite going up a dress size or two, you still cannot get them over your tights and they end up half way up your backside. Even if you do choose to go up a dress size, you're then faced with the issue of the trousers being too big around your waist and still a bit tight on your bottom. Sometimes life is difficult, and it's okay to cry hysterically in the changing room.
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Lover of Tolkien's world, Harry Potter and baked goods. A camel once put his head on my shoulder and it was the best day ever. sara@whatculture.com