23 Problems Only People With Celiac Disease Will Understand

8. When Your Partner/ Family/ Friends Orders GF To Avoid Contamination

Celiac Disease can be pretty isolating, so anyone who does this is literally the best person in the world. The anxiety of eating out is significantly reduced by the sweet relief of knowing there is literally zero gluten on your table. Even better, you can share!

7. When Companies Try To Cash In On Celiac Disease

Celiac Awareness Month: an open opportunity for companies to bombard you with gluten free products on social media. It's obvious to see the ruthless swines for what they are when they come snooping onto your Celiac communities with brash advertising. Yes, we want to see the variation of goods on the market, but Celiac Awareness Month is exactly what is says on the tin - raising awareness. Not taking advantage of people in need. For example, take a look at this terribly hilarious video by the "Gluten Free Society": https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S1lb_t1tGsI Not once does the video (or the homepage of "Dr. Peter Osborne's" website) mention Celiac Disease, there isn't even really any advice, just "REGISTER NOW" links on every page. "Free yourself from the bondage of disease": all fear-based commercialism targetting vulnerable people looking to make themselves better. Get lost.

6. Having To Google The Hell Out Of Something Before You Can Eat It

"Are cornflakes gluten free?" Prepare to be thrown into a world of GF forums, where masses of contradictory advice are available. Cornflakes are gluten free; cornflakes have barley extract in them so they're not gluten free; cornflakes have tiny amounts of barley extract in so they can be classed gluten free... then you get onto the thread that says you shouldn't actually eat corn at all, or anything, for that matter. Screw it, we'll skip breakfast.
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Human woman. Content Manager at What Culture. Lover of many "ologies", punk rock and cats. My god is Ilúvatar. Follow me on Twitter: @nina_cresswell