23 Things Only A Chocolate Shop Employee Will Understand

10. Hating The Store Playlist

Matilda - Bruce Bogtrotter

The store playlist changes but once each season, and is only about two hours long. So by the end of the second week, you not only know it by heart, but you hate it with the passion of a thousand suns. 

While there may be one or two songs you actually like, if you ever express this to anyone, you'll either quickly tire of them or find that you're always, inexplicably, out of the room when they're playing.

And then, without warning, the playlist changes, and you miss it forever.

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With a (nearly) useless degree in English literature and a personal trainer qualification he's never used, Freddie spends his times writing things that he hopes will somehow pay the rent. He's also a former professional singer, and plays the saxophone and ukulele. He's not really used to talking about himself in the third person, and would like to stop now, thanks.