25 Problems Only People From Morpeth Will Understand

10. Hearing Rumours That Fortune Cookies Uses Rat Meat

Disclaimer: These rumours are completely unfounded and are false, of course. Fortune Cookies is one of those things that makes Morpeth great. Essentially, it's a tiny shack of a building that dominates the skyline of a... Leisure centre car park. That doesn't sound too inspiring, does it? However, inside lives a magician named Michael and a few of his minions that whip up utter brilliance most of the week. They deserve the rest-bite that the Mondays they take off each week provide. Situated right next to the river Wansbeck, it's easy for the neigh-sayers to throw accusations at Michael for heading down to the river and plucking a few rats to use in his chicken balls coated sweet and sour sauce. These rumours must raise their ugly heads once ever blue moon, but doesn't stop people coming to Morpeth from all over the world to sample Michael's finest cuisine, which is a testament to the resilience of the man and his staff.
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Content Producer
Content Producer

Video & written Content Producer for WhatCulture Wrestling. NCTJ trained journalist. BA Hons, Sports Journalism.