25 Problems Only People From Morpeth Will Understand

25. Getting Yourself Into A Fight & Being Told To Meet At The Stepping Stones

Anyone that attended either Chantry or Newminster middle schools has been there; even the girls. Being told by a particular class of Morpeth's social food chain, the 'charv' (not chav), to get yourself down to the stepping stones for a fight at 3:30. Those were the days. Of course, only a select few had the bottle to accept the challenge and duel with these pernickety 'pikeys' in front of what seemed to be thousands of onlookers who were baying for blood by the gallon. More often than not, these monumental clashes resulted in nothing more than a ferocious stare down and a lot of verbals. There was that odd occasion however where fists were thrown and connections were made. Then, Chantry's debilitating 'Remove System' was utilised while Newminster pupils would be forced to copy lines out of the dictionary on a given lunch time. Hard times.
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Content Producer

Video & written Content Producer for WhatCulture Wrestling. NCTJ trained journalist. BA Hons, Sports Journalism.