25 Things That Will Change Everything In The Next Century

2026 (10 years)

25. Passwords Replaced By Biometrics

biometrics eye scan retina

In the coming decade, the time may finally come for you to abandon your less-than-secure variations on "niRvaNaRox1986" in favour of something a little more personal.

Biometrics, including fingerprint locks, iris scans and face and voice recognition could be rolled out, not only your personal devices, but in banking, security and border control. Facial recognition software is already being used at many airport customs in lieu of a human sat at a desk and it's a trend that is set to continue.

24. 3D Printed Human Organs

3D printing is now practically commonplace in 2016 and we are now getting to the point of moving beyond simple plastic doodads, with the technology coming into its own in the field of medicine.

Printing non-organic implants such as artificial joints, prosthetic limbs, dentures and heart valves is already pretty run of the mill, but greater advances are taking place in terms of printing biological materials and whole, functioning organs. The tissue itself is generated from the patient's own cells, eliminating the risk of rejection. By 2025, customisable, 3D printed organs hit the human trial stage.

23. Masdar City Completed

Masdar City rendering
Flickr/Nrman Foster

At this stage, the city is a prototype of what could follow, with a ban on traditional motor cars, vertical farming and power from exclusively renewable sources.

In the wider world, society and politics are beginning to be shaped by a more liberal, heterogeneous Generation X, but still in conflict with growing tensions from a more conservative backlash.

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Writer. Raconteur. Gardeners' World Enthusiast.