25 Things Only People From Yorkshire Will Understand

7. When You Bump Into Someone From Yorkshire On Holiday

No matter where you go in the world, you'll always bump into someone from Yorkshire. When you're on holiday and you hear that ol' faithful twang, there's an uncontrollable happiness that you just cannot hide. Turns out, they live in your Nan's street, their second cousin went to your school and yes, they just became your new best friend.

6. Feeling Like Oliver Twist When You Look Through Betty's Window

Why pay a tenner for a cup of tea and tiny unsatisfying sandwiches, when you can go home and make a brew and a butty yerself? That said, there's nothing more impressive than taking yer Mum to Betty's for afternoon tea. That is, if you can get in. There's usually a mile long queue of Japanese tourists ready to sample the quintessential delights of British tea. If only they knew we weren't really that posh.

5. When People Refer To Sheffield As Being Part Of The Midlands

This is practically slander. North of Thirsk and South of Sheffield and basically, you're a foreigner to the Yorkshires. One thing's for sure though, Sheffield is NOT the Midlands, and anyone who says it deserves to step on a Lego.

Human woman. Content Manager at What Culture. Lover of many "ologies", punk rock and cats. My god is Ilúvatar. Follow me on Twitter: @nina_cresswell