27 Common Misconceptions You Have About Drinking

21. Being A Little Tipsy Warms You Up

Sorry, but no. Booze dilates the blood vessels in your skin, which in turn moves warm blood closer to the surface, having a temporarily warming effect but ultimately losing you precious core body heat. If you're in a warm environment already, you'll be fine. In some less tropical conditions, however (like being caught in a blizzard, or on a really bad date) that could actually lead to hypothermia - hence the reason why St. Bernard dogs never carried flasks of brandy around their necks to give to rescued skiiers in the Alps.

20. Beer And Wine Aren't As Strong As Mixed Drinks

Don't be daft. There's just as much alcohol in a rum and coke as there is in a pint of lager or a glass of red - or white, for that matter. Different drinks are approached in different ways, however - and the speed at which we down a drink is one of the things that can make us drunker. Sugary mixed drinks tend to go down faster than your mum at Christmas, while wine is more of a sipping drink, and the sheer volume of a pint means that you tend to slow down after the first two.

19. Eating A Meal Before Drinking Keeps You Sober

One for all those people trying to survive a stag night or hen party: eating a big meal beforehand doesn't keep you sober, people. A full belly will delay the absorption of alcohol into your stomach and gut, which slows down how quickly you become pisky - and that can save your bacon later on, especially when it comes to the hangover the next day. But it's not a miracle cure! Don't knock back more shots to get your drunk on faster, you'll only spin out when all that booze finally permeates.
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Professional writer, punk werewolf and nesting place for starfish. Obsessed with squid, spirals and story. I publish short weird fiction online at desincarne.com, and tweet nonsense under the name Jack The Bodiless. You can follow me all you like, just don't touch my stuff.