27 Common Misconceptions You Have About Drinking

14. Hardcore Stimulants Help Straighten You Out

Powerful stimulants like cocaine, amphetamines and legal highs that mimic their effects don't sober you up. They just make you feel less pisky - but, and we can't stress this enough, a drunk person on drugs is still drunk. Wanna know why people on coke or speed usually seem so obnoxious? They're probably utterly trawlered as well: you just can't tell, and probably neither can they.

13. There Are Ways Around A Breathalyser

You can't beat a breathalyzer by sucking on a penny, or by chewing a specific kind of gum, or by using breath mints, pills, etc etc. You knew that, right? I mean, no one's that stupid, right? Just don't get behind the wheel, brain trust. That'll solve the problem before it even becomes one.

12. A Nightcap Will Help You Sleep

Booze before bed won't bring you a good night's sleep: if anything, it'll ruin your chances. Alcohol in your system makes you spend less time in lovely, dark, healing REM sleep, and the lack of a decent kip is one of the lasting components of a killer hangover. Ever wondered why you'll often wake up at 6am on a Sunday morning to enjoy that hangover as it really kicks in? Blame that last drink or three before bed.

11. It's Best To Take A Painkiller Before Bed

Aspirin, dispirin, or acetaminophens like tylenol/paracetamol are not good for you in large doses, and don't mix well with alcohol. Taking them before you pass out for the night after a spectacularly badly planned night of drinking may seem like a cunning, cunning plan at the time, but you're actually potentially causing yourself problems far worse than a simple hangover: studies have shown that the mixture of these over-the-counter painkillers and even light doses of alcohol can have associations with kidney and liver disease.
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Professional writer, punk werewolf and nesting place for starfish. Obsessed with squid, spirals and story. I publish short weird fiction online at desincarne.com, and tweet nonsense under the name Jack The Bodiless. You can follow me all you like, just don't touch my stuff.