27 Little Things About Newcastle That Make Us Smile

2. The First Time You Take Someone Out On The Town

AMCAMCThat morning-after banter consisting of not being able to bring up the amount of best moments fast enough, and the look of pure life-changing glee on your friend's face knowing life doesn't get any better than a spot-on night out in Newcastle with all the best people.

1. Realising We Actually Changed The World

GreggsGreggsOf course geordies know this anyway, as you need only be around Newcastle's fair citizens for a few minutes to feel a homely sense of communal worth, but the man who actually discovered the Higgs Boson particle is from Newcastle. This means that one Peter Higgs is responsible for all this new particle physics stuff, giving physicists new ways of analysing and questioning our place and purpose within the entire universe. The answer? To eat lots of Greggs pasties. So, newcomers and lifelong-livers, what do you love about Newcastle? Let us know in the comments!
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