30 Greatest Mugshots Of All Time

15. Zombie Nation

The best way to deal with the living dead? Lock them up and throw away the key! None of this bash-em-in-the-head nonsense; it's always best to get them lined up for a mugshot instead. Rumour has it you get loads of PP for a great shot (that's one for all you Dead Rising fans!).

14. Christ The Con?

Unfortunately, if Jesus did return in modern society, he'd probably be locked up because nobody would believe him and would think he was crazy. Much like what happened to this guy.

13. They're Practically Invisible!

Want to carry out a robbery but simply don't have time to pop down the shops and get a balaclava? Stuck in a pickle and want to conceal your face? Simply draw all over yourself with permanent marker; they'll never be able to tell it was you.
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Dan Curtis is approximately one-half videogame knowledge, and the other half inexplicable Geordie accent. He's also one quarter of the Factory Sealed Retro Gaming podcast.