30 Greatest Mugshots Of All Time

18. Saucy Minx

Someone's been taking their modelling lessons! Such pouts have yet to be achieved by most female models; they should study this picture regularly for the best way to pull off a better look than Ben Stiller managed with Blue Steel.

17. Even Saucier Minx

Not to be outdone by the pout master previously, this gent is sporting the very best in smouldering looks. He's even removed his t-shirt for extra effect, much to the joy of all of us. Who could resist?

16. Ye Olde Sideburns

This shot is actually one of the very first criminal mugshots taken in Britain. It's a slice of history. A slice of history with utterly ridiculous sideburns.
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Dan Curtis is approximately one-half videogame knowledge, and the other half inexplicable Geordie accent. He's also one quarter of the Factory Sealed Retro Gaming podcast.