5 Amusing Easter Eggs Hidden Within Google Services

5. All Your Base Are Belong To Us

allyourbase Zero Wing was a fairly mediocre Mega Drive game that was released in 1991, long forgotten by the time that its opening cut-scene became one of the internet€™s most prevalent memes. Featuring a diabolical Japanese-English translation, the scene features quotes such as €˜You have no chance to survive make your time€™, €˜somebody set up us the bomb€™ and the now infamous €˜all your base are belong to us€™, which has found itself featured on everything from t-shirts to graffiti in Disney€™s new arcade-set film, Wreck-It Ralph. A fairly obscure homage to the meme can be found in Google€™s translator service, as the entry of several specific Japanese phrases results in some of the scene€™s lines being displayed, one of which is depicted here. translator
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Easter Eggs
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Alex was about to write a short biography, but he got distracted by something shiny instead.