5 Biggest Reasons The Media Turn On Stars (With 5 Examples)

4. Nude Photos

As the age of sexting has gotten more normal, the leaking of photos really doesn€™t cause as big of an issue as it used to. Vanessa Hudgens€™ nude scandal is still fresh in my mind as I think about nude photos, and how horrible it was. This is another issue that it all depends on who it is. If nude photos of Miley Cyrus showed up online, no one would bat an eye. If nude photos of someone who is known to children or for their innocence appeared, the news would have a field day with them. Most of the kids on Disney Channel now are about ten, but when Disney was hiring 20-somethings to play teenagers, those people would get vilified if something remotely bad showed up. It€™s always something bigger if the person is with Disney, words like €˜bad role model€™ are thrown around. However, if it€™s a Kardashian, they€™re treated completely differently. The press may mention it, but it€™s never as huge as those who appear to children. It€™s understandable €“ but being older, it€™s easier to see that they have a life beyond the teenager they play on television. But all of this is a bit moot because no one makes a fuss about nude photos anymore really €“ not since the age of snapchat and iPhones.

Example: Dylan Sprouse

This is a specific example I chose because it shows the irony of the Vanessa Hudgens€™ scandal. Now, granted that Vanessa Hudgens€™ was at the height of her career when her photos were leaked, while Dylan and Cole Sprouse haven€™t been heard of much since the Suite Life of Zack and Cody ended. However, this didn€™t stop the media from trying to spin Dylan Sprouse€™s leaked nude photos into a massive thing because he used to work for Disney. The best part about this whole thing was Dylan Sprouse€™s reaction. He didn€™t shy away from the pictures, he didn€™t deny them or out the girlfriend who had leaked them. He took ownership. When you search Dylan Sprouse, 'nude photos' doesn€™t even come up.
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I'm currently attending my local college while trying to figure out who I am. I love Doctor Who, Sherlock, really any BBC show. I've also been told I'm a bit of a nerd. Specifically, a theatre nerd.