5 Biggest Reasons The Media Turn On Stars (With 5 Examples)

3. Body Image

10 Hottest Beach Bods! 10 Worst Swimsuits! Has So-And-So Been Gaining Weight? So-And-So is Anorexic. The media is consumed with this idea of a body that celebrities should have, that they end up causing someone to starve themselves or do even worse harm to get off the cover of the magazines and online stories. Demi Lovato is a huge example of what being bullied about weight can cause €“ which is essentially all these media outlets are doing. An eating disorder, as well as other disorders that she was already fighting, came out because she couldn€™t take being bullied about her weight. This is something that every celebrity goes through. Every celebrity, at some point, is on the cover of a magazine for either being to big or €“ get this €“ to get thin. How many times have we seen €˜Is So-And-So anorexic?€™ €˜So-And-So stops eating after divorce.€™ This particular way that the media can turn on someone makes me sick, because they€™re simply never happy. They€™ll applaud someone€™s weightloss, but if they say it was because of society and the bullying the magazines put them through, the magazines get upset because they€™ve been called out.

Example: Christina Aguilera

Being in the news as long as Christina Aguilera has, it€™s not surprising that the magazines have hounded her for being too big multiple times. Christina €“ like many of us €“ went through periods where she weighed more and periods where she weighed less. And of course, the magazines were there to mark every pound she gained and lost. While no magazine will ever come out and say that a person weighs too much €“ at least not on the cover €“ a celebrity saying €˜I€™m happy with my body€™ is all the news you need. Which is what Christina Aguilera said in 2012. And then, lo and behold, a year later, she emerged fifty or more pounds lighter, on the cover of magazines saying how she did it, and called out the media for being so mean that they forced her into dieting and exercising. Speaking as a female journalist, this is horrible to have girls see, either online or in print. People should not be put in the limelight for needing to lose weight, when they€™re probably not even as big as the camera angles made them seem. Even the people who are known for positive body image; Jennifer Lawrence and Demi Lovato have access to things that €œregular people€ don€™t. So even if someone is losing weight or advocating eating what you want €“ we don€™t all have personal trainers and people helping us make healthy meals.
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I'm currently attending my local college while trying to figure out who I am. I love Doctor Who, Sherlock, really any BBC show. I've also been told I'm a bit of a nerd. Specifically, a theatre nerd.