5 Quick Tips For Writers First Starting Out

4. Listen To People In The Knowdoctor-who-neil-gaiman-episode-WIDE You are not the first writer in the world, you also do not know everything there is to know about the writing industry, especially as you€™re just starting out and the only thing you€™ve got is two hundred pages of text to your name. Thankfully there are people out there that have been in this game longer than you, some of them have been in the writing business for decades, and they€™ve seen a heck of a lot of it, from the rise of modern classics to the conception of Fifty Shades of Grey. They are there and they can help you. Follow famous writers on Twitter, Neil Gaiman (@neilhimself) is a prime example, often retweeting comments and advice for his fans, having close to two million followers must be quite hard to keep up with. Listen to the shows that are out there for you, podcasts are a great source for help and information, two that I can think of from the top of my head are €˜I Should Be Writing€™ and €˜Writing Excuses.€™ The latter is fifteen minutes long, you can listen to it walking to the shops if you want to.

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I spend far too much time trying to find things to fill that time. A little about me, so I'm a writer at heart, hence the reason I'm here, in the future I intend to be a published author, but that's quite far off yet. I'm an opinionated sod, with views ranging from the current state of politics to how Stargate is a far better show than Star Trek.