5 Reasons Brits Should Head To Universal Orlando Resort From November 8th!

2. There's New Food to Try

Universal Orlando Resort Central Park Crepes
Universal Orlando Resort

One of the things that make a vacation is all the deliciously naughty food we can enjoy. This time when you fly out to Universal Orlando there's a whole new snack selection to enjoy.

Since you've last been there's been a whole new snack cart opened close to the Central Park area of Universal Studios. Central Park Crèpes offers some rather wonderful looking treats.

The crèpes stand is serving a mixture of sweet and savoury treats depending on what you are in the mood for. Treat yourself to a smoked brisket, lemon blueberry and cookies & cream filled crèpe. Universal also offer a plant-based chicken crèpe and a seasonal offering.

Of course there's also the usual favourites at the resort waiting for you. With brookies, Butterbeer, pizza fries and all your favourite treats waiting for you when you land, the question is, which one are you going to get first?

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