5 Reasons Disney's Star Wars Story Group Is A Good Thing (And 4 Reasons It's Not)

3. Some Things Just Have To Go

The EU has given rise to some utterly ridiculous things over its decades of existance. Fans that point to Jar Jar Binks as an unnecessary, out-of-left-field addition to the universe should look to Jaxxon, the anthropomorphic rabbit smuggler and his ship, the Rabbit's Foot as the worst offender here. Jaxxon was introduced in the Star Wars comics published by Marvel in the late seventies and his species, the Lepi, remain a valid, if seldom used, part of the EU today. Then there's Waru, an extradimensional being from a parallel universe first introduced in 1994's much-maligned The Crystal Star. Waru was described as a gelatinous blob with a scaly covering possessing healing abilities and some anti-Force powers. At best, the character is a bad execution of an interesting concept, and at worst, something future Star Wars fans should be spared from. Any franchise that has been running as long as Star Wars is bound to have less than desirable memories in their past, and the Story Group provides Disney and LucasFilm with a unique opportunity to clean up the family album. Which means we can all start pretending right now that the Star Wars Holiday Special never happened.

I'm very proudly a nerd, which is the quality you'll see most on display here. Star Wars, Doctor Who, and Spider-man are my biggest nerdy obsessions, but I don't like to exclude anything. I'm also an avid sports fan. My teams are the Detroit Red Wings, Notre Dame, and Detroit Lions. I love playing and watching hockey, but don't get to do the former often enough. I play some guitar, and love music. That's me, concisely speaking.