5 Reasons Disney's Star Wars Story Group Is A Good Thing (And 4 Reasons It's Not)

2. Clearer Rules And More Accessible Stories

If you consider yourself a big-time Star Wars fan, you have likely argued with another fan about whether or not the books and other media "count." The opinion here does not just boil down to "they do" or "they don't" either. Some fans will tell you the books count, but the video games do not (an argument supported by the Dark Forces: Jedi Knight snafu described two pages previous), others cling to the idea that only the movies matter, while those like yours-truly believe everything is canon (unless it directly contradicts the movies, of course). From now on, this argument will be a thing of the past. Everyone will know exactly what counts and what does not, and everything going forward will be a part of the ever expanding Star Wars canon. More importantly, these new rules will make it easier for new fans brought in by the new films to jump into the fiction. They will not have to worry about whether they have to read a book series from the 1990s to understand this new one that's on the shelves, or whether this story from years ago that contradicts the one they just read is right.

I'm very proudly a nerd, which is the quality you'll see most on display here. Star Wars, Doctor Who, and Spider-man are my biggest nerdy obsessions, but I don't like to exclude anything. I'm also an avid sports fan. My teams are the Detroit Red Wings, Notre Dame, and Detroit Lions. I love playing and watching hockey, but don't get to do the former often enough. I play some guitar, and love music. That's me, concisely speaking.