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5 Reasons To Enjoy Whiskey In Autumn

3. After Christmas Shopping

Jack Daniel's Don't Know Jack
Samuel Goldwyn Films

It's early November, and though Guy Fawkes Night has yet passed, let alone Thanksgiving, we're already staring the festive season in the face. Yes, it's an increasingly familiar refrain: "it gets earlier every year!", "the tree shouldn't go up until December 24th", "if I hear Fairytale of New York once in November..." and so on. But it's empirically true! At this rate, the decorations will come down on December 31st, and go back up on January 2nd.

And then the shopping starts. Oh, the shopping. Despite the fact gift buying seems to start even earlier than the onset of Christmas, it is somehow never early enough. Who isn't still buying presents on Christmas Eve through a mad panic because you've severely underestimated your generosity? That's right: nobody.

So as you're trawling through the next in a series of department stores looking for that perfect yet ultimately elusive gift for your mother-in-law, no one would mind if you threw in a bottle of whiskey for yourself. Why not? 'Tis the season to be jolly! Well...almost.


Produced in Lynchburg, Tennessee Jack Daniel's is a brand of Tennessee whiskey. Globally it is the best selling American whiskey, and in 2013 sold in excess of 11million cases.