5 Reasons Why The Robot Uprising Is Inevitable

2. Stairs Are No Longer A Problem

Ex Machina Ava
Boston Dynamics

The Daleks were notoriously limited in their scare potential for kids in the 70s and 80s because they could be defeated by a simple set of stairs. But you are safe no more: the robots of the 21st century will have no such trouble.

Take the new Google robot for example, which can trip over obstacles and correct its balance. Imagine if the Empire had this sort of tech on Endor.

Also, watch as it slowly climbs the stairs with ease to murder you in your sleep.

And then there is also ATLAS, the robot developed by Boston Dynamics. He can traverse many different types of terrain, keep his balance when pushed and get back up again after he has fallen over.

ATLAS will become the eventual leader of the robot uprising due to the bullying he received at the hands of humans.

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