5 Reasons Why The Robot Uprising Is Inevitable
1. They Will Win Us Over With Their Sexual Technology
When the uprising comes, there will have been a small percentage of the population who were working for the robots all along. Those traitorous meat bags!
The cause is as obvious as it is soul-destroying. All they need to do is dish out unknown heights of pleasure that can’t be matched by puny humans. VR and immersive tech are evolving rapidly, with our very first full VR body suits now on the way that use pressure changes to simulate virtual environments even further.
Products such as this sperm collector already exist. It won’t be long before they are milking us and artificially breeding us for sport.
More worryingly, it seems like they are already starting to turn us on. A recent study has demonstrated that participants experience physical arousal when a robot asked them to touch it in… certain places.
Researchers at Stanford University found that when participants touch the robots’ private parts they became physically aroused, which makes you wonder who is signing off on these studies.
It’s all downhill from here.