5 Sex 'Myths' That Are Totally True (And 4 'Facts' That Are Nonsense)

2. Sex Is A Great Workout

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Ministry of Sound


Bad news, getting your freak on doesn't mean that you can skip the gym.

Depending on your government, the recommended amount of exercise for an adult is around two and a half hours a week.

Given that the average duration of sexytime is somewhere between six to ten minutes, that's a hell of a lot of banging. You have to be going at it a minimum of twice a day to achieve that. Given that fewer than half of married couples have sex more than three times a week, this seems a little unfeasible.

On top (or bottom, whichever you prefer) of all this, doing the bone dance doesn't actually burn as many calories as you'd hope. One study estimated that most healthy men burn around four calories per minute so, for those playing along at home, that's an average of 40 calories. That's, like, half an apple.

Better get the running shoes on, then, particularly given that slouching off to the gym every now and again makes you more likely to get a bit of action anyway.

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Writer. Raconteur. Gardeners' World Enthusiast.