5 Sex 'Myths' That Are Totally True (And 4 'Facts' That Are Nonsense)

1. Only Women Have Multiple Orgasms

Again and again


Finally some good news.

The female orgasm is supposedly a mysterious thing and the most mysterious part of this mysterious thing is the magical multiple orgasm.

This little treat has been largely closed off to menfolk ever since they were in vogue, but the big secret is that the dudes can have them too. The thing is that orgasm and ejaculation are not intrinsically linked, and although the show is generally over after ejaculation, it is perfectly possible to have more than one orgasm before the big show.

Don't get me wrong, it takes a lot of mental discipline for a dude who is used to doing the two at once, but with a bit of deep breathing and some yoga or whatever, you too could enter the magical world of multiple orgasms.

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