5 Things Apple Must Do To Stay Relevant In 2014

4. Excite Again

Sooner, rather than later. Lately, Apple's biggest releases have featured the rollout of a fingerprint sensor and more colours; before that, we were supposed to be impressed by a bigger screen. The problem, of course, is that there were significant improvements under the hood that don't get recognized by most people. A better processor and improved retina display aren't leaps that consumers can really get excited about - they're just expected. So what would excite people? Addressing the problems with smartphones that are pervasive is a good start. Androids have proven that marketing a powerful battery life is a quick way to convert consumers. But there's also the simple act of making your product shine with gimmicky features that would set products apart. Wearable tech comes to mind. Google may have a head start, but they've failed to implement a product that works on every level when it comes watches or glasses, but Apple shines when it comes to developing complete products. Overall, the easiest way to excite people is to surprise them, and Apple could use one of those right now.
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Jon is the author of the Pixar Theory, the narrative that combines all of the Pixar movies in one timeline. You can read more about his random nonsense on jonnegroni.com