5 Things Apple Must Do To Stay Relevant In 2014

2. Rejuvenate The Marketing

Apple has always excelled at positioning itself well via commercials and other advertising. Its Apple vs. PC commercials back in the 2000's turned a huge number of people into Mac users, while endless (and beautifully simple) iPod commercials put all other MP3's to shame. Lately, however, Apple's marketing has been conservative. Not bad, just safe. The release of one of its latest ads (above) for the iPad Air is a great example: it's a good ad, maybe even great. But it's not "Apple." I've seen dozens of ads that do the exact same thing: inspiring narration coupled with beautiful imagery of real people using technology to do real things. It's nice, but you could insert a Samsung Galaxy Tab into those peoples' hands and I wouldn't have noticed.
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Jon is the author of the Pixar Theory, the narrative that combines all of the Pixar movies in one timeline. You can read more about his random nonsense on jonnegroni.com