5 Ways To Live Forever (And 7 Reasons It Would Suck)

2. The End Of The World

So, you've made it to the end of the line for humanity, who have all evolved into hyper-intelligent shades of the colour blue by this point. You might be immortal, but the Earth isn't and it's gotta go some time. Even if you move off world, they've gotta go too, but you might not even get the chance to do that if our little planet snuffs it before we leave.

Sooo, let's take a look at the many ways you might have to watch the planet burn.

Nuclear War

What would happen if the world leaders all eventually gave into temptation and hit that big, red button? Cities are levelled, people vaporized, survivors slowly die out as the nuclear winter sets in. On the plus side, you'd have the planet to yourself for a bit of peace at last. On the downside, you'd be alone on a planet with little to no hope of escape.

Asteroid Impact

It did it for the dinosaurs after all. It's estimated that an asteroid big enough to wipe out the human race will hit the Earth once every 10 million years or so. If the next one happens to be a little bigger, we could be looking at the obliteration of all life, and if we get side swiped by a rogue planet, it may just blow it to smithereens. This leaves you floating unprotected in space which is, by all accounts, not exactly a day at the zoo.

Death Of The Sun

Right, in about 5 billion years time, our sun is gonna swell right up into a red giant. This will either swallow the Earth up altogether, or boot it out into an erratic, cold, dark orbit. Not to worry though, before that happens it will have already altered so much as to make the surface of the planet inhospitable anyway, so the only person around to see it will be you.

So, after the Earth kicks the bucket, you might end up trapped on its cold, dead surface or floating out in the vast void of space. Luckily, you have an unlimited amount of time to explore the sensation of each of your bodily fluids boiling away until your freeze-dried husk of a body hits another cosmic object to break the monotony for a bit.

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Writer. Raconteur. Gardeners' World Enthusiast.