52 Most Powerful Images Of 2013

12. Paulo Di Canio Had A Ridiculously Enthusiastic Celebration

Former Sunderland manager Paolo Di Canio masterminded a 0-3 victory at St. James' Park that all but guaranteed the Black Cats' survival in the Premier League. His jubilant celebrations quickly became part of Sunderland folklore.

11. First Panda Was Thought To Be Pregnant In Years

Giant Panda Tian-Tian was put on watch after it looked like she might be pregnant, however as of date of writing, it has not come to fruition.

10. Oscar Pistorius Charged With Murder

The South African 'Blade Runner' himself, a man who runs with the aid of two thin metal blades in place of legs, dominated in the Olympics, yet is accused of murdering his girlfriend on Valentines Day.

9. Humungous Indonesian Cave Discovered

A cave has been found that shows signs of large waves battering it's inner walls from up to 7,500 years ago, provoking those living nearby to wonder what they're in for in the future.

8. Nigella Lawson Involved In Drug Trial

Celebrity chef Nigella Lawson ended up being dropped into a slanging match with ex-husband Charles Saatchi, with the fallout being drug allegations continuing to plague her.
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