52 Most Powerful Images Of 2013

7. Monty Python Reunite

Back to the good stuff, and the cast of Monty Python confirm upcoming reunion shows at the O2 Arena, making it cool to refer to any and all marks as 'flesh wounds' for the foreseeable future.

6. Colorado Family Rebuilds Their Lives

A devastated Colorado family are forced to salvage what's left of their house following a destructive flood that drastically affected their basement and surrounding area.

5. Fire In India Decimates A Small Village

Thankfully none were injured as a fire tore through this Kashmiri village, tearing many shanties to the ground in December.

4. Man Gunned Down In Central African Shootout

As violence once again takes hold in the Central African Republic, a man is shot by Condolese Peacekeepers, following other shootouts and the destruction of a local mosque.

3. Muslim Girl Survives Being Shot For Female Rights

Malala Yousufzai was shot in the head by the Taliban for attempting to preach for better rights for women in her country of Pakistan. Luckily she survived and has been celebrated globally for her views.
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Gaming Editor
Gaming Editor

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